26 - 50 van 58
Naam Regiment Aflopend sorteren Sterfdatum Begraafplaats
Wright James Black Watch (Royal Highlanders) 24-03-1945 Groesbeek
St. Dennis Jack Essex Scottish Regiment, R.C.I.C. 24-03-1945 Groesbeek
Kean Allan Gordon Highlanders 24-03-1945 Groesbeek
Mulley Harry Gordon Highlanders 24-03-1945 Groesbeek
Beange Keith Highland Light Infantry of Canada, R.C.I.C. 24-03-1945 Groesbeek
Conway Adam Highland Light Infantry of Canada, R.C.I.C. 24-03-1945 Groesbeek
Corbett Thomas Highland Light Infantry of Canada, R.C.I.C. 24-03-1945 Groesbeek
Hendrickson Edwin Highland Light Infantry of Canada, R.C.I.C. 24-03-1945 Groesbeek
Lewis Walter Highland Light Infantry of Canada, R.C.I.C. 24-03-1945 Groesbeek
Logan Nelson Highland Light Infantry of Canada, R.C.I.C. 24-03-1945 Groesbeek
Papineau Roland Highland Light Infantry of Canada, R.C.I.C. 24-03-1945 Groesbeek
Robson William Pioneer Corps 24-03-1945 Groesbeek
Knowles Edwin Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve 24-03-1945 Groesbeek
Harris Cyril Royal Artillery 24-03-1945 Groesbeek
Ogden Samuel Royal Artillery 24-03-1945 Groesbeek
Ormston John Royal Artillery 24-03-1945 Groesbeek
Cox William Royal Canadian Artillery 24-03-1945 Groesbeek
Gibbs Harold Royal Canadian Artillery 24-03-1945 Groesbeek
Rodger Anderson Royal Canadian Artillery Corps/The Gordon Highl. 24-03-1945 Holten
Cox Hubert C. Royal Canadian Infantry Corps - Devonshire Regt. 24-03-1945 Holten
Cladingboel William Royal Engineers 24-03-1945 Groesbeek
Daniels John Royal Engineers 24-03-1945 Groesbeek
Osborne Leslie Royal Engineers 24-03-1945 Groesbeek
Rayner Thomas Royal Engineers 24-03-1945 Groesbeek
Hornsby James Royal Tank Regiment, R.A.C. 24-03-1945 Groesbeek