326 - 350 van 708
Naam Regiment Sterfdatum
Lanoue Octave The Algonquin Regt. 30-04-1945
Lant Charles B. R.C.A.S.C. - 02/9th Inf. Bde. Coy. 07-04-1946
Laporte Jean R. Royal 22e Regiment 14-04-1945
Larlee Wallace H. The North Shore (New Brunswick) Regiment 24-04-1945
Laurie John A. Royal Canadian Infantry Corps/The Royal Norfolk R. 16-04-1945
Lawes Cecil A. The Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry Highlanders 28-04-1945
Lawes Marshall N. The Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry Highlanders 04-04-1945
Le Bano Joseph Royal Canadian Engineers - 9 Field Sqn. 21-06-1945
Le Blanc G. V. R.C.E.M.E. - 05th Armd. Bde. Workshop 25-10-1945
Leblanc Frank The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders of Canada 25-04-1945
Lee James A. The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders of Canada 21-04-1945
Leger Alphone J. The North Shore (New Brunswick) Regiment 05-04-1945
Lelond Lyall T. The Seaforth Highlanders of Canada 12-04-1945
Lemke Frits M. The Lake Superior Regiment 10-04-1945
Leonard James T. The Perth Regiment 29-04-1945
Letourneau Amede Le Regiment de Maisonneuve 05-05-1945
Levesque Alphonse Royal Canadian Engineers - 32 Field Coy. 03-05-1945
Lewis Milton R. The Canadian Grenadier Guards - 22nd Armd. Regt. 04-04-1945
Linnell Howard J. The Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders of Canada 06-04-1945
Linwood James E. The North Shore (New Brunswick) Regiment 23-10-1945
Lockinger Frederick W. The Fort Garry Horse - 10th Armd. Regiment 13-04-1945
Lofquist Kurt The Irish Regiment of Canada 29-04-1945
Looser William J. The Royal Hamilton Light Infantry 13-04-1945
Lorenz C. E. The Westminster Regiment 24-10-1945
Luard Bruce The Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment 13-04-1945