401 - 425 van 708
Naam Regiment Sterfdatum
McLaren John A. The Cape Breton Highlanders 01-05-1945
McLean Harold W. The Lake Superior Regiment 03-05-1945
McLeod Gordon M. The Essex Scottish Regiment 24-04-1945
McMahon George M. Royal Canadian Artillery - 5 Field Regt. 11-08-1945
McMillan Allan R. The Lake Superior Regiment 14-04-1945
McNeill Vincent L. The Lincoln and Welland Regiment 21-04-1945
Meehan Andrew The North Shore (New Brunswick) Regiment 24-04-1945
Mendelsohn Harry The Royal Regiment of Canada 04-04-1945
Mennie William The British Columbia Dragoons - 9th Armd. Regt. 01-06-1945
Mensour Sodie A. J. The Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment 13-04-1945
Michlosky Steve The Royal Canadian Dragoons - 1st Armd. Car Regt. 08-04-1945
Miller Owen B. The North Shore (New Brunswick) Regiment 24-04-1945
Milley Frank S. The Algonquin Regt. 18-04-1945
Mills Richard B. Royal Canadian Artillery - 23 Field Regt. 26-04-1945
Mitchell Clayton L. The Canadian Scottish Regt. 10-04-1945
Mitchell Elmer C. The Royal Canadian Regiment 12-04-1945
Mitchell Harold V. Royal Canadian Artillery - 7 Medium Regt. 28-04-1945
Mitchell Joseph The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders of Canada 06-05-1945
Molnar Joseph The Lincoln and Welland Regiment 10-04-1945
Mombourquette Frank The Cape Breton Highlanders 01-05-1945
Moran P. J. deed dienst onder de naam Pollock, Anthony T.
Moriarity Terrance G. The Governor General's Foot Guards-21st Armd.Regt. 30-04-1945
Morin Ernest J. The Lincoln and Welland Regiment 28-04-1945
Morris Willard J. 12th Manitoba Dragoons - 18th Armd. Car Regt. 19-04-1945
Morrison Allan D. 14th Canadian Hussars - 8th Reconnaissance Regt. 03-04-1945